Hello my name is Susan and welcome to my passions, my loves, my joys, my creations. 

My story starts with my childhood. I started creating jewellery at a very early age from the place where I grew up in South America. From as early as 9 years old I made bracelets and bangles for my friends at school and soon even my teachers wanted my creations! From that point on, I knew my raison d'être, my reason for being. It was to follow my heart and my passions and my passion was in creating what gave others joy. 

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In my early years, I looked at nature with wide-eyed wonder. Amazed and in awe at the beauty of the natural world. It was from this where I took inspiration. Every day, on my way home from school, I used to go to a beautiful botanical garden nearby. It was lush and gorgeous, just simply a lovely and perfect place to be inspired. One part in particular was my special spot. It was a place in the gardens where 3 trees in particular were so close together that their branches would symmetrically join in a triangle and the leaves became a protective cover, a small roof almost, for me to sit under and make and create my jewellery, in peace and in solitude, taking in all of my surroundings. Whether sunny or rainy....this was my haven, my sanctuary, my place to perfect my craft and hone my skills.  

Through the following years, into my adulthood, I became very well travelled - Venezuela, Spain, Portugal, America, Asia...  ...I took my creations to a further level. Where in each place, location I would be in or visit I would absorb their styles and cultures and incorporate them into my pieces. This all led me to follow and fulfil my dream and in 2005 I finally founded "Susan Accessories". . 

The fusing of all my loves together, my childhood, my wonderment of nature, my travels, my friendships, helped to create elements that would give many people the same joy it gives me. 

When we wear something it makes us feel special, individual. That personal item, that you and only you love perhaps. That jewellery piece that has sentimental value that reminds you of something, someone, somewhere, or even some other time. 

This nostalgic-inducing part of jewellery cannot be bought, nor explained. It is just something that is very personal to the one, the wearer. That is ultimately what I want to induce... to "evoke emotion". 

I hope you enjoy my craft and that there is something that speaks to you or touches you. Please do take a look around my website. Being based in both UK and Spain, I have translations in both on my site. If there is anything special or specific you would like to see or amend, I will try my best to cater and accommodate. 

Thank you.
